Download our PDF guide to Jamaica's Data Protection Act (DPA) of 2020.

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Sections covered

We've separated our guide similarly to the legal version (the Act).

Section 01

1. Introduction

Outlining the scope and purpose of the Data Protection Act.

Section 02

2. Key terms and definitions

Very important terms and definitions to know which are used throughout the Data Protection Act of Jamaica.

Section 03

Application of the Act

Details on how the act must be applied to entities established in and outside Jamaica.

Section 04

Data Protection Standards

Details on the 8 standards that underpin how personal data must be processed.

Section 05

Individuals’ Rights

The rights given to individuals under the Data Protection Act.

Section 06

Conditions for processing personal and sensitive personal data

The conditions (often called lawful bases) that must be met to process personal data in compliance with the Data Protection Act.

Section 07


Requirements for a Data Controller to register with the Information Commissioner to process personal data.

Section 08

Information Commissioner’s powers and duties

Outlining the powers and duties of the Information Commissioner.

Section 09


How the Information Commissioner can hold Data Controllers accountable.

Section 10

Data Protection Officer

The requirements and functions of the Data Protection Officer.

Section 11

Data Protection Impact Assessment

The requirements of Data Controllers to submit a data protection impact assessment to the Information Commissioner.

Section 12

Exemptions under the DPA

Exemptions available to Data Controllers under the Data Protection Act.

Section 13

Offences under the Act

Key offences under the Data Protection Act, such as Failure to comply with data protection standards, processing without registration and unlawfully obtaining, disclosing, etc. personal data.

Section 14

Penalties and Liabilities

Details on how companies and individuals can face penalties and fines under the Data Protection Act.

Easy to read

Our guide is written in simple English, so it's much simpler then the original doc.

Neatly organised

We've organised it by sections so you can easily jump to an area.

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G5 Cyber Security, Inc.

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Quick answers to common questions.

Do you provide services?

Yes we provide professional services to companies seeking to comply with the Jamaica Data Protection Act.

Is this guide free?

Yes, there is no cost to download our guide and you do not need to provide any personal information to get it.

How often will this guide be updated?

Our guide will be updated whenever there is either more useful information for us to add, corrections to any errors and when the Act itself is updated.

How can someone submit a query?

You can submit your query at our primary contact page here.

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It's free, easy on the eyes and really helpful towards understanding Jamaica's Data Protection Act.